How to Use Prospre

Learn how to generate meal plans, get automatic grocery lists, track your macros and more!

Tips for using Prospre

Prospre is a powerful tool for planning your meals and hitting your macros. There are many different features to take advantage of and we want to be sure that you can use all of them to make the perfect diet plan. The tips below will help you understand how to use the automatic meal planner, macro tracker, grocery list, and more. The more you understand about Prospre, the more you will be able to customize your meal plans, and eat foods that you love to eat. Get ready to hit those fitness goals!

Generating a Meal Plan

Generate a Week

Select a date and click "Generate Meal Plan" to automatically create a plan for the week. Personalize your plan by setting your macronutrient targets, recipe preferences, and recurring meals.

Generate a Day

Click the refresh button on any day in the meal plan to replace it with a new one. Click refresh as many times as you like until you get a day that looks good to you.

Replace a Meal

Click the refresh button on any meal until you see a list of potential replacement meals. Select the one you want to eat, or back out and try again to see new meals.

Track Your Food

Mark Foods as Eaten

If you've generated a meal plan, you can keep track of what you have eaten by marking items as "Eaten". Click the "+" button on an individual item, or mark an entire meal as "Eaten".

Add a Food

Track foods that are not in your meal plan by searching our database of foods. If there is a food that you can't find, you can add it yourself. Try the Nutrition Facts Scanner!

Delete a Food

Delete a food by swiping left and clicking the delete button. You can also remove a meal by clicking the trashcan.

Fit-In a Food

If you have a meal plan generated, you can choose to fit-in a food rather than just add it. This will try to remove items from your plan, in order to hit your macros and include the food you are trying to fit in.

Track Water

At the bottom of your "Diary" page is a Water Tracker. You can quickly add some pre-set quantities, or add a custom amount.

Getting Your Groceries

Get Your Grocery List

Choose a date range by clicking "Sync Groceries" or the date range at the top of the screen. Your grocery list will be overwritten by all of the ingredients needed for your meal plan during that range.

Buy Only What You Need

Keep track of what you need to buy by checking off grocery items or deleting them from your list if you already have them in your house.

Buy on Amazon Fresh

Click "Buy Ingredients on Amazon Fresh" to automatically fill your Amazon cart with the ingredients in your grocery list. Checked off items will not be added to your cart.

Set Your Targets

Set Your Macro Targets

You can set your macros by percent or by gram. When setting by percent, you will set the number of calories. When setting by gram, your calories will be calculated for you based on your macros.

Set Your Micronutrient Targets

Change your targets by clicking on the progress bars at the top of your "Diary" page. Click the "Edit" button, change your targets, and click "Done" to confirm.

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